Multi-age Learning Opportunities
Grade levels are blurred, reflecting the learning, problem-solving and working relationships that occur in the 'real world.'
There are numerous opportunities in the school day for children to interact with the students and teachers of all classes.
Classes: Our school includes three mixed-age classes: First-second, second-third and fourth-fifth grades.
Lunch and Recess Breaks: All of our students eat lunch and take breaks at the same time, mingling among classes on the playground and at lunch tables.
Triads: Children, each from a different grade, are randomly assigned to a triad group to complete project(s) through the year and accompany each other on field trips.
Little Brothers and Little Sisters: Each year, a student from the class of older students is paired with a student from the class of our youngest students to provide learning support and guidance on how things are done at Community School.
Reading Buddies: Each student in the school is buddied up with a student from a different class to be reading buddies through the year. They read to each other one afternoon every week.